(A)   Through traffic discouraged on residential collector and local streets. Residential collector and local streets shall be laid out in a way that their use by through traffic will be discouraged. Streets shall be designed or walkways dedicated to assure convenient access to parks, playgrounds, schools or other places of public assembly.
   (B)   Sidewalks. The Town Commissioners may require sidewalks on one or both sides of the street in areas likely to be subject to heavy pedestrian traffic such as near schools and shopping areas. The sidewalks shall be constructed to a minimum width of four feet, and shall consist of a minimum thickness of four inches of concrete. All sidewalks shall be placed in the right-of-way, unless the development is platted as a planned unit or group development. Sidewalks shall consist of a minimum of six inches of concrete at driveway crossings.
   (C)   Street names. Proposed streets, which are obviously in alignment with existing streets, shall be given the same name. In assigning new names, duplication of existing names shall be avoided and in no case shall the proposed name be phonetically similar to existing names in the county irrespective of the use of a suffix such as street, road, drive, place, court and the like. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the Town Commissioners and the county.
   (D)   Street name signs. The subdivider shall be required to provide and erect street name signs to town standards at all intersections within the subdivision.
   (E)   Permits for connection to state roads. An approved permit is required for connection to any existing state system road. This permit is required prior to any construction on the street or road. The application is available at the office of the nearest district engineer of the Division of Highways.
   (F)   Offsets to utility poles. Poles for overhead utilities should be located clear of roadway shoulders, preferably a minimum of at least 30 feet from the edge of pavement on major thoroughfares. On streets with curb and gutter, utility poles should be set back a minimum distance of six feet from the face of curb.
   (G)   Wheelchair ramps. In accordance with G.S. Chapter 136, Article 2A, § 136-44.14, all street curbs in the state being constructed or reconstructed for maintenance procedures, traffic operations, repairs, correction of utilities or altered for any reason after September 1, 1973, shall provide wheelchair ramps for the physically disabled at all intersections where both curb and gutter and sidewalks are provided and at other major points of pedestrian flow.
   (H)   New bridges. Any proposed new bridge shall conform to State Department of Transportation standards.
(Ord. passed 2-10-2009, § 14.35)