(A) Type of street required. All subdivision lots shall abut on a paved public street, except those lots platted on an existing unpaved public street or road. The Town Commissioners shall dedicate all public streets to the town, the state or the public, as determined appropriate.
(B) Minimum standards. All public streets shall be built to the standards of North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways Subdivision Roads, Minimum Construction Standards, current issue and all other applicable standards of the town and the State Department of Transportation.
(C) Public streets dedicated to the town. Where public streets are involved which will be dedicated to the town, the subdivider must submit all street plans to the Planning Board for review and to the Town Commissioners for approval as part of the preliminary plat approval process.
(D) Public streets not dedicated to the town. Public streets not dedicated to the town which are eligible for acceptance into the state highway system shall be constructed to the standards necessary to be put on the state highway system or the standards in this ordinance, whichever is stricter, in regard to each particular item, and shall be put on the system. The subdivider must submit the following documents to the State Department of Transportation District Highway office for review:
(1) A complete site layout, including any future expansion anticipated;
(2) Horizontal alignment indicating general curve data on site layout plan;
(3) Vertical alignment indicated by percent grade;
(4) PI station and vertical curve length on site plan layout;
(5) The District Engineer may require the plotting of the ground profile and grade line for roads where special conditions or problems exist;
(6) Typical section indicating the pavement design and width and the slopes;
(7) Widths and details for either the curb and gutter or the shoulder and ditch proposed;
(8) Drainage facilities and drainage areas; and
(9) A written maintenance agreement with provisions for maintenance of the street until it is put on the state system shall be included with the final plat.
(E) Streets not dedicated to town and not eligible for state highway system. Streets not dedicated to the town which are not eligible to be put on the state highway system because there are too few lots or residences shall nevertheless be dedicated to the public and shall be in accordance with the standards in this ordinance or the standards necessary to be put on the state highway system, whichever is stricter in regard to each particular item, so as to be eligible to be put on the system at a later date. A written maintenance agreement with provisions for maintenance of the street until it is put on the state system shall be included with the final plat.
(F) Intersection with state maintained road. If any street is proposed to intersect with a state maintained road, the subdivider shall apply for driveway approval as required by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways Manual on Driveway Regulations.
(G) Subdivision street disclosure statement. All streets shown on the final plat shall be designated in accordance with G.S. § 136-102.6 and designation as public shall be conclusively presumed an offer of dedication to the public. Where streets are dedicated to the public but not accepted into a municipal or the state system, before lots are sold, a statement explaining the status of the street shall be included with the final plat.
(H) Half-streets. The dedication of half-streets of less than 60 feet at the perimeter of a new subdivision shall be prohibited. If circumstances render this impractical, the subdivider shall furnish adequate provision for the concurrent dedication of the remaining half of the street. Where there exists a half-street in an adjoining subdivision, the remaining half shall be provided by the proposed subdivision. However, in circumstances where more than 60 feet of right-of-way is required, a partial width right-of-way, not less than 60 feet in width, may be dedicated when adjoining undeveloped property is owned or controlled by the subdivider, provided that the width of the partial dedication is such as to permit the installation of the facilities as may be necessary to serve abutting lots. When the adjoining property is subdivided, the remainder of the full-required right-of-way shall be dedicated.
(I) Marginal access streets. Where a tract of land to be subdivided adjoins a principal arterial street, the subdivider may be required to provide a marginal access street parallel to the arterial street or reverse frontage on a minor street for the lots to be developed adjacent to the arterial. Where reverse frontage is established, private driveways shall be prevented from having direct access to the principal arterial.
(J) Access to adjacent properties. Where, in the opinion of the Town Commissioners, it is necessary to provide for street access to an adjoining property, proposed streets shall be extended by dedication to the boundary of the property and a temporary turnaround provided. The extension dedicated shall have the same right-of-way width as the street being extended.
(K) Nonresidential streets. The subdivider of a nonresidential subdivision shall provide streets in accordance with I. F-4 of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways Subdivision Roads, Minimum Construction Standards and the standards in this ordinance, whichever are stricter in regard to each particular item.
(L) Design standards. The design of all streets and roads within the jurisdiction of this ordinance shall be in accordance with the accepted policies of the State Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, as taken or modified from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) manuals. The current issue of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways Subdivision Roads, Minimum Construction Standards shall apply for any items not included in this ordinance or where stricter than this ordinance.
(M) Intersections. Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles and no street shall intersect any other street at an angle less than 60 degrees.
(N) Property lines at intersections. Property lines at intersections should be set so that the distance from the edge of pavement, of the street turnout, to the property line will be at least as great as the distance from the edge of pavement to the property line along the intersecting streets. This property line can be established as a radius or as a sight triangle. Greater offsets from the edge of pavement to the property lines will be required, if necessary, to provide sight distance for the vehicle on the side street.
(O) Offset intersections. Offset intersections are to be avoided unless exception is granted by the Division of Highways or the town as applicable. A minimum length of 200 feet between survey and centerlines should separate intersections, which cannot be aligned.
(P) Cul-de-sacs. Permanent dead end streets should not exceed 500 feet in length unless necessitated by topography or property accessibility and in no case shall be permitted to be over 900 feet. Measurement shall be from the point where the centerline of the dead end street intersects with the center of a through street to the center of the turnaround of the cul-de-sac. Where one cul-de-sac intersects with another cul-de-sac, the end of each cul-de-sac shall be no more than 500 to 900 feet from a through street, measured as stated above. The distance from the edge of pavement on the vehicular turnaround to the right-of-way line shall not be less than the distance from the edge of pavement to the right-of-way line on the street approaching the turnaround. Cul-de-sacs should not be used to avoid connection with an existing street or to avoid the extension of an important street, unless the Town Commissioners grants exception.
(Q) Alleys. Alleys shall be required to serve lots used for commercial and industrial purposes except that this requirement may be waived where other definite and assured provision is made for service access.
(R) Alleys in residential subdivisions. Alleys shall not be provided in residential subdivisions unless necessitated by unusual circumstances.
(S) Alley width. The width of an alley shall be at least 20 feet.
(T) Dead end alleys. Dead end alleys shall be avoided where possible, but if unavoidable, shall be provided with adequate turnaround facilities at the dead end as may be approved by the Town Commissioners.
(U) Alley alignment and grade. Sharp changes in alignment and grade shall be avoided.
(V) Alley standards. All alleys shall be designated in accordance with the State Department of Transportation standards.
(Ord. passed 2-10-2009, § 14.34)