Permission may be granted for the establishment of uses listed as special uses if the Board of Adjustment finds from the evidence produced after a study of the complete records that:
   (A)   The proposed use does not affect adversely general plans for the physical development of the town as embodied in these regulations or in any plan or portion thereof adopted by the Planning Board;
   (B)   The proposed use will not be contrary to the purpose stated in these regulations and all provisions of these regulations are complied with;
   (C)   The proposed use will not affect adversely the health and safety of residents and workers in the town;
   (D)   The proposed use will not be detrimental to the use or development of adjacent properties or other neighborhood uses; and
   (E)   The proposed use will not adversely affect existing uses and will not be affected adversely by the existing uses.
(Ord. passed 2-10-2009, § 9.1; Ord. passed 2024)