An accessory use or building as defined in this ordinance and permitted in an R District shall be governed by the following requirements.
   (A)   All accessory uses and buildings shall be required to meet the appropriate setback requirements established in §§ 151.016 and 151.160 through 151.168.
   (B)   Accessory uses and buildings shall consist of the following structures:
      (1)   Fallout shelter;
      (2)   Garage (detached);
      (3)   Greenhouse;
      (4)   Playhouse;
      (5)   Pump house;
      (6)   Screened recreation area (detached);
      (7)   Storage shed;
      (8)   Swimming pool;
      (9)   Tool shed;
      (10)   Work shop; and
      (11)   Satellite antenna.
   (C)   Special requirements for certain accessory uses and buildings.
      (1)   All swimming pools, spas and hot tubs shall comply with existing state regulations in 2012 North Carolina State Residential Code, Part IX, Appendix G.
      (2)   No accessory building shall be started until the principal use building has a Certificate of Occupancy subject to the following exceptions:
         (a)   Concrete footings and slabs of accessory buildings may be poured simultaneously with footing of principal dwelling.
      (3)   No accessory building/structure shall contain any living quarters.
   (D)   Size and number of accessory buildings/structures.
      (1)   Pump house enclosures of no more than ten square feet and no higher than four feet above ground covering a well head are excluded from the following regulations.
      (2)   Accessory buildings/structures must be subordinate to the residential building on the property.
      (3)   Maximum square footage of the exterior dimensions of the accessory buildings/structure(s) shall be the lesser of 50% of the living area as noted in the Pamlico County GIS footprint of the principal building or 780 total square feet.
      (4)   On lots of five acres or more on which the owner maintains horses, the shed/stable/barn is exempted from size restrictions with regard to the principal building footprint allowed.
      (5)   In lots of less than 20,000 square feet there shall be a single accessory building/structure allowed.
      (6)   In lots between 20,000 square feet and two acres there shall be two accessory buildings/structures allowed.
      (7)   In lots over two acres there shall be a total of three accessory buildings/structures allowed.
      (8)   On lots where multiple accessory buildings/structures are permitted, the accessory buildings must be separated by a minimum of 15 feet and may not be connected.
      (9)   Maximum height of any accessory building/structure shall be no greater than the height of the principal structure.
      (10)   Maximum number of floors for any accessory building/structure shall be no more than one and one-half. Overhead storage for materials shall be allowed subject to the overall height limitation.
2024 S-10
   (E)   Design of accessory buildings/structures. An accessory building/structure shall be built and located in a way to preserve the character and integrity of the neighborhood.
(Ord. passed 2-10-2009, § 8.2; Ord. passed 8-12-2014; Ord. passed 5-10-2022; Ord. passed 2024)