(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this district shall be to maintain a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet, and to allow for other uses permitted as special uses permitted which would not interfere with single-family residences in the district and which would not be detrimental to the quiet residential nature of the areas included within the district.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Single-family dwelling;
      (2)   Accessory building/structure and use;
      (3)   Public utility uses;
      (4)   Churches; and
      (5)   Family care home.
   (C)   Special uses.
      (1)   Hospital;
      (2)   Kindergarten or nursery;
      (3)   Schools;
      (4)   Neighborhood playground and parks;
      (5)   Golf course;
      (6)   Home occupation; and
      (7)   Principal use sign.
   (D)   Dimensional requirements. Principal buildings and uses in this zoning district shall comply with the dimensional requirements of this district:
      (1)   A minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet per dwelling unit;
      (2)   A minimum lot width of 80 feet at the required front building setback line;
      (3)   The minimum front yard setback shall be 30 feet;
      (4)   The minimum side yard setback shall be ten feet;
      (5)   The minimum rear yard setback shall be ten feet; and
      (6)   No principal building shall be constructed unless it meets the following dimensional requirements:
         (a)   The maximum height above grade shall be 32 feet to the peak (excluding chimney).
(Ord. passed 2-10-2009, § 7.4; Ord. passed 8-12-2014; Ord. passed - -2021; Ord. passed 5-10-2022; Ord. passed 7-6-2022, § 2.16)