(A)   Dangerous, potentially dangerous, and vicious animal violations shall be reported to the County Animal Control Officer to enforce state laws regarding dangerous, potentially dangerous and vicious animals.
   (B)   Violation of rabies vaccination requirements shall be reported to the County Animal Control Officer for enforcement.
   (C)   Dogs, stray animals, or at-large animals running at large shall be reported to the Town Manager and to the County Animal Control Officer for enforcement.
   (D)   Nuisance and noisy animals shall be reported on an official complaint form signed by the complainant and a witness for follow-up and enforcement by a town official(s).
   (E)   Number/densities of animals violations shall be reported on an official complaint form signed by the complainant and a witness for follow-up and enforcement by a town official(s).
   (F)   Hog pens, fowl and hunting violations shall be reported on an official complaint form signed by the complainant and a witness for follow-up and enforcement by a town official(s).
(Am. Ord. passed 2024)