(a)   No person or persons or company shall pile, deposit or cause to be piled or deposited rubbish, dirt, wood, coal, iron, building material or any other obstruction upon any  street, alley or public ground of the City which would interfere with the convenient use of the streets, alleys or public grounds by the general public, without removing the same within twenty-four hours, and without placing lights or warning that can be seen in darkness if the same remains overnight; provided, however that any material, tools or machinery necessary for the repair or construction of any building on the abutting lot, may under the supervision of the Village Administrator, be deposited in front of the property undergoing repairs or, where new buildings are being erected, during the progress of such repairs or erection, providing the same shall be removed within five day after such repairs or the erection of such building is completed. 
(Ord. 446.  Passed 12-15-20.)
   (b)   No person or persons or company shall pile, deposit or cause to be piled or deposited rubbish, dirt, wood, coal, iron, building material or any other obstruction upon any private property zoned primarily for residential use for a period in excess of ten days unless  such material is being used for construction purposes in accordance with a valid building permit issued by the Village Administrator for such construction. The Village Administrator shall notify the property owner of any violation of this section and shall allow a period of five days after notification for removal of such material.  At the conclusion of the five day period the Village Administrator may charge the owner of the property with a violation of this section.
   (c)    Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. Each day of continued violation shall constitute a separate offense under this section.
(Ord. 1992-11.  Passed 3-26-92.)