(a) Except in an emergency, no tank vehicles shall be left unattended on any street, highway, avenue or alley within the corporate limits of the City, provided that this shall not prevent a driver from the necessary absence from the truck in connection with the delivery of his load, except that during the actual discharge of the liquid, some responsible person shall be present at the vehicle; nor shall it prevent stops for meals during day or night if the street is well lighted at point of parking.
(b) Tank vehicles containing flammable or combustible liquids shall not be parked out of doors at any one point for longer than one hour, except off the streets, and at least fifty feet from any buildings used for assembly, institutional or residential occupancy.
(c) Tank vehicles shall not be parked or garaged in any building other than those specifically approved for such use by the authority having jurisdiction.
(Ord. 1973-73. Passed 12-13-73.)
(d) Whoever violates any provision of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on a first offense; on a second offense within one year after the first offense, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree; on each subsequent offense within one year after the first offense, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.