(a)    Whenever the Village Administrator deems necessary, the contractor shall furnish any required samples of the materials hereinafter mentioned.
   (b)   The cement shall meet the requirements of the current specifications for Portland cement of the American Society for Testing Materials.  A sack containing ninety-four pounds of cement shall be considered as one cubic foot.
   (c)   The fine aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, durable, uncoated particles of sand or stone, free from all organic material. One hundred percent shall pass a one-fourth inch screen, and ninety-five percent shall be retained on a 100-mesh screen. It shall be well graded from coarse to fine and shall not contain more than five percent by weight of clay or loam, none of which shall be in lumps.
   (d)   The coarse aggregate may be broken limestone, gravel or crushed blast furnace slag. The broken limestone or gravel shall be clean, hard, durable, uncoated rock. It shall contain no vegetable or other deleterious matter, and shall be free from soft, thin, elongated or laminated pieces. Slag shall be of a quality which has been successfully used in local concrete work. It shall be air-cooled, non-glassy and shall have been thoroughly weathered. If broken limestone or gravel is used, one hundred percent shall pass a one inch screen and at least ninety-five percent shall be retained on a one-fourth inch screen, with all intermediate sizes retained. If crushed slag is used, it shall be graded from 1/4 inch to ½ inch or from 1/4 inch to 1 inch as directed by the Engineer. All slag must be free from dust.
   (e)   The water used shall be clean and free from alkali, oils and acids or vegetable matter.
   (f)   The forms shall be of lumber two inches thick, or of steel of equal strength, except on curved work, where flexible strips may be used. The forms shall be held rigidly in place by stakes or braces with top edges at true line and grade given by the Inspector.  Ends of adjoining forms shall be flush.
   (g)    Where division plates are used, they shall be of 1/8 inch steel as wide as the depth of the slab and as long as the width of the walk. Forms and division plates shall be thoroughly cleaned and oiled each time before they are used.
   (h)   The sub-base or foundation shall be built of sand, or a qualified substitute, of not less than four inches in thickness for four inch sidewalk and six inches in thickness at driveways, when well and evenly tamped to a uniform degree of firmness, and shall extend three inches beyond each side of the walk. The sand shall be well sprinkled with water immediately before any concrete is placed thereon.
(Ord. 1973-6.  Passed 2-22-73. )