(a) The license issued by the Mayor shall be in a form approved by him, containing a statement of the number of taxicabs owned by each operator, their several passenger capacities, the make and motor number of each such taxicab, the taxicab registration number hereinafter prescribed and any other information regarded desirable by the Mayor. The Mayor shall supply and issue to each licensee at the time of issuing such license a suitable tag or certificate for each taxicab authorized under the license. Each such tag or certificate shall contain one of a series of consecutive numbers known as taxicab registration numbers and the words, "Mingo Junction, Ohio," and such other designation as the Mayor shall require for the purpose of designating such taxicab as a licensed taxicab and distinguishing it from other licensed taxicabs; such taxicab registration number shall be assigned by the Mayor to a particular taxicab, described by its motor number. Such licensee forthwith shall affix the tag or certificate to each of his taxicabs as designated in a conspicuous place.
(b) No such licensee or any taxicab driver shall operate or use any taxicab as such unless such tag or certificate is affixed to such taxicab as hereinbefore provided, or operate or use any taxicab as such with any licensee tag or certificate, other than the one originally assigned to that taxicab; or to change such tags or certificates from one taxicab to another. But such taxicab registration tags or certificates shall be transferable upon written notification to the Mayor of a desire to transfer, which notice shall contain the registration number of the tag or certificate proposed to be transferred and the motor numbers of the taxicab from which and to which the transfer is to be made, and after such written notice has been endorsed upon the license of the taxicab operator and upon the records of the Mayor. The Mayor shall file and keep an indexed record of all certificates, bonds and policies presented by the applicants, and fees paid, and shall keep a record of all licenses issued together with the name, office and place of business of such licensee, the motor number assigned to that motor and make, and any other information the Mayor may require.
(Ord. 1202. Passed 3-19-47. )