(a)   For each of the drugs or controlled substances for which the village tests, an initial test is used to screen the urine specimen. A negative screening test is considered a negative result. If the initial screen is positive, which means a presence at or higher than a cut-off level as defined by the federal Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the employee will be subject to a second or confirmatory test.
   (b)   Breath alcohol testing will be conducted using certified equipment and personnel. Breath alcohol concentration exceeding .04 is considered a verified positive result. In the event of an accident where an employee has “blood” drawn at a medical treatment facility, a result equal to or greater than .04 shall be considered to be a verified positive result. An evidentiary breath test (EBT) may be used to confirm any initial positive test result.
(Ord. 02-2005, passed 5-9-2005)