The village enacted this Policy to protect all employees from the dangers of substance use in the workplace. In addition, the Policy seeks to protect employee rights by:
(a) Maintaining as confidential all employee records regarding test results and referrals for assistance. Any violation of confidentiality rights is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment;
(b) Providing annual substance awareness education to identify problems and learn where to turn to for assistance;
(c) Performing all testing through a federally certified laboratory to ensure that results are accurate and reviewed by a Medical Review Officer (MRO). When the MRO receives a positive test result, the MRO will contact the employee and any appropriate health care provider to determine whether there is a valid reason for the presence of the drug in the employee’s system;
(d) Conducting an initial screening test, such that if the initial results are positive, then a second test will be performed. federal and state guidelines dictate the amount of a particular substance required to result in a “positive” test;
(e) Requiring that every current employee attend a training session regarding this program where employees will have an opportunity to ask questions; and
(f) Training supervisors to recognize substance problems that may violate this Policy, which training will be in addition to the annual employee education. Supervisors will receive training about testing responsibilities, how to recognize behaviors that demonstrate an alcohol/drug problem and how to refer employees for assistance.
(Ord. 02-2005, passed 5-9-2005)