Any property owner who fails to construct, repair, or replace the affected area in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall:
   (a)   Be sent a written notice by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative of the failure to complete construction, repair or replacement.
   (b)   Be advised in the notice by the village that the village shall proceed to accomplish such construction, repair, or replacement on such basis as the village deems appropriate.
   (c)   Be advised that a fine may be imposed at the rate of $50 per day until such improvements are constructed in such a fashion satisfactory to the village, each day of such violation constituting a separate offense, and that the village may place a lien on the property for nonpayment of construction costs and/or fines.
   (d)   Be sent the notice required by this division in accordance with the provisions and in the manner set forth for service of summons in civil proceedings as set forth in the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure.
   (e)   Be guilty of a misdemeanor for and fined not less than $50 and not more than $300 for constructing, repairing or replacing without a permit.
(Ord. 09-2020, passed 8-10-2020)