(a)   Concrete sidewalk specifications shall be in accordance with the most current edition of the State of Ohio, Department of Transportation, Construction and Material Specifications (ODTS), Items 608.01, 608.02, 608.03, 608.08 and 608.09, except as follows (all item numbers refer to the ODTS):
      (1)   Concrete shall be Class C, Items 499 and 511, unless otherwise specified or approved, in writing and prior to construction, by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative;
      (2)   An aggregate base of four inches (thickness) of compacted No. 57 stones (or equivalent approved by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative) shall be placed on top of the prepared subgrade prior to placing concrete for the sidewalk. The subgrade shall be shaped and uniformly compacted to meet the requirements of Item 203 or as ordered by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative;
      (3)   The finished surface of the sidewalk shall be float-finished, or broom-finished, perpendicular to the direction of travel path, to obtain a sandy texture-decorative patterns on the finished surface are prohibited (unless otherwise approved, in writing and prior to construction, by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative). Do not plaster the concrete. Use a one-fourth-inch radius edging tool to edge all outside edges and joints;
      (4)   Concrete curing shall be in accordance with Item ODTS 608.03.E (however water curing is prohibited);
      (5)   Sidewalks shall consist of four inches (thickness) of concrete, except where the sidewalk crosses through driveways, in which case the thickness shall be six inches and such thickness must extend one foot wider than the driveway on each side of the driveway;
      (6)   Transverse control/contraction joints (exclusive of expansion joints) for sidewalks may be sawcut (approximately one-eighth-inch width); however, tooled transverse control/contraction joints (exclusive of expansion joints) shall not exceed one-half-inch width from outside radius to outside radius of tooled joint;
      (7)   The surface of sidewalks shall be divided into blocks by joints (transverse control/contraction or expansion) equally spaced at approximately five-foot intervals, to form rectangular blocks;
      (8)   Expansion joint material one-half inch thick shall be installed for transverse expansion joints to the full depth and across the full width of the concrete sidewalk at intervals of 30 feet minimum, as well as when the sidewalk thickness changes such as at driveways (see division (a)(3) above), and between the walk and any fixed structures or objects including existing or proposed concrete sidewalks, driveways or driveway aprons. The top of the expansion joint material shall be flush with the finished surface of the sidewalk and shall not protrude above the finished surface of the sidewalk;
      (9)   The transverse slope of the surface of the sidewalk shall be three-sixteenths-inch per foot (i.e., 1.6%) preferred; however, the transverse slope shall not exceed 2.0% (i.e., 1:50). Transverse slopes, in accordance with this specification, shall also apply to sidewalks that cross through driveways. The low side of the sidewalk shall be the side adjacent to the roadway;
      (10)   The longitudinal slope of the surface of the sidewalk shall not exceed 5.0% (i.e., 1:20), exclusive of ramps;
      (11)   Sidewalks shall be five feet in width in residential sections of the village unless otherwise approved, in writing and prior to construction, by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative and shall have been previously approved by the Village Planning and Zoning Commission;
      (12)   Appurtenances including, but not necessarily limited to, water and gas valve boxes, manholes, sign posts and utility poles shall be located outside of the sidewalk area unless otherwise approved, in writing and prior to construction, by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative;
      (13)   Roof/sump drains shall be extended beneath the concrete sidewalk through to the curb, at which point they shall be day lighted by coring of an appropriately sized hole through the curb. Drain pipes shall not encroach vertically within the concrete of the sidewalk;
      (14)   Fills, if required, shall be of clean earth (free of foreign materials), compacted in two-inch lifts; or of a suitable aggregate base, as approved by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative, compacted in lifts not exceeding four inches;
      (15)   All public sidewalks shall be contained within the public right-of-way, or within a recorded easement, approved in writing and prior to construction by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative, and such easement shall deed rights to the village for the location of the sidewalk and for the public pedestrian use of the sidewalk;
      (16)   As soon as the concrete is firmly set, the forms shall be removed and finished grade shall be made to the level of the concrete sidewalk edges;
      (17)   Obstructions, such as valuable trees of long standing, may be avoided by aligning the sidewalk around the tree. In such cases, the alignment of the sidewalk shall be approved, in writing and prior to construction, by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative. In all cases of injury to persons or property caused from any obstruction, the village shall not be liable for damage in any respect;
      (18)   All formwork shall be inspected, and receive written approval by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative, prior to placing of concrete;
      (19)   All materials used, and completed work, shall be to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative, and shall be free from defects and deficiencies including, but not limited to, surface defects and deficiencies such as uneven/non-uniform discoloration, marring, blotchiness, spalling, peeling, raveling or loss of any kind of the surface finish or exposure of aggregate beneath the finished surface or premature deterioration of the curing compound;
      (20)   The contractor, or other party performing the construction, shall be solely responsible for ensuring the sidewalk is compliant with the requirements of The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as it now exists or may from time to time hereafter be amended;
      (21)   The contractor, or other party performing the construction, shall be solely responsible for positively protecting against the adverse impacts that may be caused by weather conditions of any kind. Further, the method employed for protecting the work shall not adversely affect the work in any way;
      (22)   The contractor, or other party performing the construction, shall be solely responsible for all work site safety and shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, regulations, findings and orders relating to safety and health conditions on the work site;
      (23)   For repair of existing sidewalk with horizontal gaps between adjoining blocks measuring up to, and including, one and one-half inches, and said blocks pass all other inspection criteria as set forth in this chapter, a joint sealer may be used to fill gaps. The joint sealer shall be polyurethane, self-leveling sealant and the sealant and application method shall be approved, in writing and prior to construction, by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative. However; this method is not approved for repair of cracks within the area of a block; for such conditions the blocks shall be constructed or replaced, to proper line and grade, as determined by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative, and such work shall be in accordance with specifications as set forth in this chapter. Further, for horizontal gaps between adjoining blocks exceeding one and one-half inches, the blocks shall be constructed or replaced, to proper line and grade, as determined by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative, and such work shall be in accordance with specifications as set forth in this chapter.
   (b)   Concrete approach/apron specifications shall be in accordance with the most current edition of the State of Ohio, Department of Transportation, Construction and Material Specifications (ODTS), Items 608.01, 608.02, 608.03, 608.08 and 608.09, except as follows (all item numbers refer to the ODTS):
      (1)   Concrete shall be Class C, Items 499 and 511, unless otherwise specified or approved, in writing and prior to construction, by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative;
      (2)   Excavation and forms shall be in accordance with Items 608.03.A and 608.03.B respectively. The subgrade shall be shaped and uniformly compacted to meet the requirements of Item 203 or as ordered by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative;
      (3)   Concrete placing and finishing shall be as follows:
         A.   An aggregate base of four inches (thickness) of compacted No. 57 stones (or equivalent approved by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative) shall be placed on top of the prepared subgrade prior to placing concrete;
         B.   Deposit concrete in a single layer, strike it off with a template, and finish the surface by float-finishing, or broom-finishing, perpendicular to the direction of travel path, to obtain a sandy texture - decorative patterns on the finished surface are prohibited (unless otherwise approved, in writing and prior to construction, by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative). Do not plaster the concrete. Use a one-fourth-inch radius edging tool to edge all outside edges and joints;
         C.   Concrete shall be six inches thick;
         D.   Control/contraction joints (exclusive of expansion joints) may be tooled or sawcut (if sawcut, approximately one-eight-inch width; if tooled, shall not exceed one-half inch width as measured from outside radius to outside radius of tooled joint). Control/contraction joints shall be appropriately located relative to the size (area) of the approach/apron as approved by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative;
         E.   Expansion joint material one-half inch thick shall be installed at expansion joints to the full depth and across the full length of the concrete approach/apron at the back of concrete curb from limit of approach/apron flare to flare and between the sidewalk and approach/apron. The top of the expansion joint material shall be flush with the finished surface and shall not protrude above the finished surface.
      (4)   Concrete curing shall be in accordance with Item 608.03.E (however; water curing is prohibited);
      (5)   The minimum width of the approach/apron shall be ten feet; however, the maximum width of the approach/apron shall not exceed 20 feet. The aforementioned approach/apron width is that width exclusive of the flares. The approach/apron shall be flared on each side at the interface with the curb. The flares shall be two feet, typical;
      (6)   Appurtenances including, but not necessarily limited to, water and gas valve boxes and manholes shall be located outside of the approach/apron area unless otherwise approved, in writing and prior to construction, by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative;
      (7)   Fills, if required, shall be of clean earth (free of foreign materials), compacted in two-inch lifts; or of a suitable aggregate base, as approved by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative, compacted in lifts not exceeding four inches;
      (8)   As soon as the concrete is firmly set, the forms shall be removed and finished grade shall be made to the level of the concrete edges;
      (9)   All formwork shall be inspected, and receive written approval by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative, prior to placing of concrete;
      (10)   All materials used, and completed work, shall be to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative, and shall be free from defects and deficiencies including, but not limited to, surface defects and deficiencies such as uneven/non-uniform discoloration, marring, blotchiness, spalling, peeling, raveling or loss of any kind of the surface finish or exposure of aggregate beneath the finished surface or premature deterioration of the curing compound;
      (11)   The contractor, or other party performing the construction, shall be solely responsible for positively protecting against the adverse impacts that may be caused by weather conditions of any kind. Further, the method employed for protecting the work shall not adversely affect the work in any way;
      (12)   The contractor, or other party performing the construction, shall be solely responsible for all work site safety and shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, regulations, findings and orders relating to safety and health conditions on the work site;
      (13)   For repair of horizontal gaps between adjoining blocks of existing sidewalk and driveway integral approach/aprons measuring up to, and including, one and one-half inches, and said blocks pass all other inspection criteria as set forth in this chapter, a joint sealer may be used to fill gaps. The joint sealer shall be polyurethane, self-leveling sealant and the sealant and application method shall be approved, in writing and prior to construction, by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative. However; this method is not approved for repair of cracks within the area of a block; for such conditions the blocks shall be constructed or replaced, to proper line and grade, as determined by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative, and such work shall be in accordance with specifications as set forth in this chapter. Further, for horizontal gaps between adjoining blocks of existing sidewalk and driveway integral approach/aprons exceeding one and one-half inches, the blocks shall be constructed or replaced, to proper line and grade, as determined by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative, and such work shall be in accordance with specifications as set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 09-2020, passed 8-10-2020)