(a)   Primary Inspection Area Criteria. The inspection criteria to be utilized by the Village Engineer/code enforcement officer or designated representative shall include inspection of any condition deemed by such official to be potentially detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare and shall include, at a minimum, the examination of the following which, if such conditions exist, shall necessitate repair or replacement:
      (1)   Any block having a crack or cracks one-half inch or more wide.
      (2)   Adjoining blocks or portions thereof whose edges differ vertically by one-half inch or more.
      (3)   Blocks that have holes in them one-fourth inch or more in diameter or are broken such that pieces are missing or loose.
      (4)   Blocks having depressions, reverse cross-slope (sloping away from the street) or below curb grade so as to impound mud or water.
      (5)   Blocks having a cross-slope and/or longitudinal slope that is deemed excessive by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or the designated representative.
      (6)   Blocks that cause an abrupt change in the longitudinal grade of the sidewalk.
      (7)   Blocks that are raveled; i.e. the surface finish has spalled, leaving it rougher with the coarser aggregate exposed.
      (8)   Any material replaced or repaired without prior approval of the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative unless such official determines such repair or replacement to be in satisfactory condition and in accordance with the standards and specifications for such repairs or replacements adopted by the village.
      (9)   The sod area between the sidewalk and the street protrudes above the sidewalk and impounds water or causes it to drain along the sidewalk (where the sidewalk itself is otherwise in accordance with the standards and specifications adopted by the village). In such cases the condition should be corrected by lowering the sod. In cases where the sod area on either side of the sidewalk is below the grade of the sidewalk (where the sidewalk itself is otherwise in accordance with the standards and specifications adopted by the village), a fill should be made and the area either sodded or seeded.
      (10)   Stumps, stones, private signposts or any other unauthorized obstruction in the sidewalk space.
      (11)   Water-stop boxes, gas stop-boxes, etc., that are not to proper grade.
      (12)   The integral approach/apron is required to be repaired or replaced if the repair or replacement of the sidewalk block area crossing through it requires a disturbance to the integral approach/apron.
      (13)   Any horizontal gap (as measured from inside radius to inside radius of tooled joints) between adjoining blocks three-fourths inch or more wide.
   (b)   Secondary Inspection Area Criteria. The inspection criteria to be utilized by the Village Engineer/Code Enforcement Officer or designated representative shall include inspection of such "triggering" condition as set forth within § 1022.03(b)(1) which, if such condition exists, shall be deemed by such official to be potentially detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare and shall necessitate repair or replacement of said condition along with any and all such other condition(s) as may exist as further set forth within § 1022.03(a):
      (1)   Adjoining blocks or portions thereof whose edges differ vertically by two inches or more.
(Ord. 09-2020, passed 8-10-2020)