The following requirements apply to all wireless telecommunications facilities regardless of the zoning district in which they are to be located. These general standards are to be supplemented with the specific regulations for nonresidential and residential districts as set forth in §§ 1478.07 and 1478.08.
(a) When the proposed wireless telecommunications facility or antenna support structure is to include a new tower, a plot plan at a scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet shall be submitted. This plot plan shall indicate all building uses within 200 feet of the proposed facility. Aerial photos and/or renderings may augment the plot plan.
(b) A diagram or map showing the viewshed of the proposed wireless telecommunications facilities or antenna support structure shall be provided.
(c) Photosimulations of the proposed facility from affected residential properties and public rights- of-way at varying distances shall be provided.
(d) The location of the tower and equipment shelter and antenna support structure shall comply with all natural resource protection standards established in the Zoning Code, including those for floodplains, wetlands and steep slopes.
(e) Security fencing eight feet in height shall surround the tower, equipment shelter and any guy wires, either completely or individually, as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission. No barbed or razor wire shall be permitted in residential neighborhoods. The village and colocators shall have reasonable access. No fence shall be required on top of a building or other structure if access to the roof or top of the structure or building is secure.
(f) Buffer plantings may be located around the perimeter of the security fence as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Options are an evergreen screen to be planted that consists of either a hedge, planted three feet on center maximum, or a row of evergreen trees planted five feet on center maximum, or other screens determined to be appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(g) Existing vegetation (trees and shrubs) shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible.
(h) Compliance with colocation requirements is required.
(i) Any application to locate a wireless telecommunications facility on a building or structure that is listed on a historic register, or is in a historic district, shall be subject to review by the village’s Planning and Zoning Commission.
(j) The tower shall be painted a non-contrasting gray or similar color minimizing its visibility, unless otherwise required by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Except for tower or monopole structures, all appurtenances shall be aesthetically and architecturally compatible with the surrounding environment.
(k) No advertising is permitted anywhere on the wireless telecommunications facility, with the exception of identification signage.
(l) No tower under 150 feet shall be artificially lighted except to ensure safety or as required by the FAA.
(m) “No Trespassing” signs shall be posted around the wireless telecommunications facility with a telephone number of who to contact in the event of an emergency.
(n) Underground equipment shelters are encouraged in residential districts and may be requested by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(o) Towers must be designed and certified by an engineer to be structurally sound and, at a minimum, in compliance with the Ohio Basic Building Code.
(Ord. 5-97, passed 7-14-1997)