1278.01 Intent.
1278.02 Purpose.
1278.03 Sites affected.
1278.04 Minimum landscape requirements; noncompliance.
1278.05 Landscape materials; maintenance and installation; violations.
1278.06 Submission and contents of landscape plan; posting of bond or irrevocable letter of credit; planting period; noncompliance.
1278.07 Appeals; variances.
1278.08 Street tree planting requirements; violations.
Adult entertainment businesses, see Ch. 1284
General development standards, see Ch. 1272
Off-street parking and loading, see Ch. 1282
Signs, see Ch. 1280
Special districts, see Ch. 1276
Special permits, see Ch. 1274
Statutory reference:
Municipal zoning in general, see R.C. §§ 713.06 et seq.