(a)   Cellular phone antennas, television antennas, radio antennas, citizens band (CB) antennas and other antennas that receive ground oriented electromagnetic waves, shall be required to receive a permit. They shall meet the following requirements.
      (1)   They shall follow the Federal Aviation Administration height restrictions.
      (2)   They shall be set back at least ten feet from all property lines.
      (3)   They shall be constructed to withstand a wind force of up to 70 mph.
      (4)   They shall be placed behind the building setback line.
      (5)   They shall meet all applicable Building Code requirements.
   (b)   Cellular phone antennas, television antennas, radio antennas, citizen band (CB) antennas and other antennas in residential districts, shall be exempt from receiving a permit if they meet the following requirements.
      (1)   They do not exceed 17 feet above the peak of the roof of the principal residential structure, including roof-mounted antennas.
      (2)   They are built to withstand a wind force of up to 70 mph.
      (3)   Ground-mounted antennas are set back at least ten feet from all property lines.
      (4)   Roof-mounted antennas are set back at least seven feet from all property lines.
      (5)   They are placed behind the building setback line.
      (6)   They meet all applicable Building Code requirements.