The following uses shall be allowed in the Limited Industrial District, subject to approval in accordance with § 1232.02.
   (a)   General Industrial District Uses. Any permitted use of the General Industrial District developed in accordance with the development standards of this district.
   (b)   Commercial Establishments. Commercial establishments normally associated with and intended to serve the industrial establishments or their employees, including:
      (1)   Eating and drinking places;
      (2)   Commercial and stock saving banks;
      (3)   Savings and loan associations;
      (4)   Personal credit institutions;
      (5)   Business credit institutions;
      (6)   Offices of physicians and surgeons;
      (7)   Offices of dentists and dental surgeons;
      (8)   Offices of osteopathic physicians;
      (9)   Medical and allied services;
      (10)   Engineering and architectural services; and
      (11)   Accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services.
   (c)   Administrative Offices. Administrative offices primarily engaged in general administrative supervision, purchasing, accounting and other management functions.
   (d)   Personal and Consumer Services. Personal services generally involving the care and maintenance of tangible property or the provision of intangible services for personal consumption, intended to serve the industrial establishments or their employees, including:
      (1)   Personal.
         A.   Beauty shops;
         B.   Barber shops;
         C.   Shoe repair shops, shoe shine parlors and hat cleaning shops;
         D.   Pressing, alterations and garment repair; and
         E.   Miscellaneous personal services.
      (2)   Business.
         A.   Advertising;
         B.   Consumer credit reporting agencies, mercantile reporting agencies and adjustment and collecting agencies;
         C.   Duplicating, addressing, blueprinting, photocopying, mailing, mailing list and stenographic services;
         D.   Private employment agencies; and
         E.   Business services not elsewhere classified (except research, development any testing laboratories).
(Ord. 5-89, passed 5-8-1989)