The following uses shall be permitted in the Limited Industrial District.
(a) Restricted Industrial District Uses. Any permitted use of the Restricted Industrial District.
(b) Manufacturing.
(1) Sausages and other prepared meat products;
(2) Dairy products;
(3) Grain mill products;
(4) Beverage industries;
(5) Broad woven fabric mills; cotton;
(6) Broad woven fabric mills; human-made fiber and silk;
(7) Broad woven fabric mills; wool, including dyeing and finishing;
(8) Narrow fabrics and other small wares mills; cotton, wool, silk and human-made fiber;
(9) Knitting mills;
(10) Dyeing and finishing textiles, except wool fabrics and knit goods;
(11) Floor covering mills;
(12) Yarn and thread mills;
(13) Miscellaneous textile goods;
(14) Household furniture;
(15) Office furniture;
(16) Public buildings and related furniture;
(17) Partitions, shelving, lockers and office and store fixtures;
(18) Miscellaneous furniture and fixtures;
(19) Converted paper and paperboard products, except containers and boxes;
(20) Paperboard containers and boxes;
(21) Boot and shoe-cut stock and findings;
(22) Leather goods not elsewhere classified;
(23) Nonferrous foundries;
(24) Sheet metal work;
(25) Machine shops, jobbing and repair;
(26) Household appliances;
(27) Electric lighting and wiring equipment;
(28) Miscellaneous electrical machinery, equipment and supplies;
(29) Musical instruments and parts;
(30) Toys, amusements, sporting and athletic goods;
(31) Pens, pencils and other office and artists’ materials;
(32) Costume jewelry, costume novelties, buttons and miscellaneous notions, except precious metal;
(33) Miscellaneous manufacturing industries; and
(34) Manufacturing industries not elsewhere classified.
(c) Warehousing, Wholesaling and Transportation Services.
(1) Railroads;
(2) Steering car and other passenger car service;
(3) Railway express service;
(4) Trucking, local and long distance;
(5) Public warehousing;
(6) Terminal and joint terminal maintenance facilities for motor freight transportation;
(7) Freight forwarding;
(8) Arrangement of transportation;
(9) Rental of railroad cars;
(10) Miscellaneous services incidental to transportation;
(11) Motor vehicles and automotive equipment;
(12) Drugs, chemicals and allied products;
(13) Dry goods and apparel;
(14) Groceries and related products;
(15) Farm products - raw materials;
(16) Electrical goods;
(17) Hardware; plumbing and heating equipment and supplies;
(18) Machinery, equipment and supplies; and
(19) Miscellaneous wholesalers (except scrap and waste materials).
(d) Service Industries.
(1) General building contractors;
(2) Highway and street construction, except elevated highways;
(3) Heavy construction, except highway and street construction;
(4) Plumbing, heating and air conditioning;
(5) Painting, paper hanging, and decorating;
(6) Electrical work;
(7) Masonry, stonework, tile setting and plastering;
(8) Carpentering and wood flooring;
(9) Roofing and sheet metal work;
(10) Concrete work;
(11) Water well drilling; and
(12) Miscellaneous special trade contractors.
(Ord. 5-89, passed 5-8-1989)