(a)   Based on the premise that the ultimate quality of a particular environment is determined not only by the type and arrangement of land uses but also the method in which such uses are developed, the procedures outlined in this chapter are designed to:
      (1)   Encourage imaginative site and architectural design;
      (2)   Permit creation of flexible development standards that respect the unique characteristics of the site and surrounding uses;
      (3)   Result in more efficient and beneficial use of land; and
      (4)   Regulate development and redevelopment of individual parcels within already improved areas.
   (b)   To accomplish the above purpose, the intent of this chapter is to allow the applicant to lessen the development standards in some areas in exchange for an increase in development standards in another. The process for achieving the above purposes and intent is to require the submission and approval of a Preliminary Plan for the total proposed development and the submission and approval of a Development Plan for all or any part of the area defined in the Preliminary Plan before obtaining a Zoning Certificate as part of the approval of the construction of any portion of the area. As part of the Preliminary Plan, the applicant must prepare and submit a Development Standards Text that identifies any development standard that is less restrictive than the standards set forth in this chapter or other referenced chapters or applicable village ordinances including the Northland Standards. When conflicts exist between Northland Standards and village ordinances, the more restrictive shall apply. As part of the Development Standards Text, the applicant must justify the modifications of these standards based on the fact that the proposed development goes beyond minimum requirements in other areas that will result in a superior development than if the standards set forth in this chapter had been followed. As part of the final Development Plan, the applicant must reaffirm use of the previously approved Development Standards Text or submit as part of the Development Plan a modified Development Standards Text for approval by Village Council.
(Ord. 1-2007, passed 6-11-2007)