(a) The Preliminary Plan and Development Standards. Text as approved and modified by Council shall constitute a Planned Residential Development District as it applies to the land included in the approved PRD zoning district approved by Council.
(b) Approval. Approval of the PRD Preliminary Plan constitutes approval of a preliminary subdivision plat as required by Chapter 1214 of the subdivision regulations.
(c) Conformance with the Development Plan. Development shall be in conformance with the Development Plan and construction site improvements must be commenced within two years of Planning and Zoning Commission or Council approval; otherwise, no development of the land shall take place until a new Development Plan is approved pursuant to this section. Any development undertaken without such final approval is in violation of this Zoning Code and an abatable nuisance.
(d) Extension of Time. Extensions of the time limits of Preliminary Plan and Development Standards Text compliance may be approved by resolution of Council. Extensions of the time limits for the Development Plan and construction of site improvements may be approved by resolution of Council. Such approvals shall be given upon a finding of the purpose or necessity for such extension and evidence of reasonable effort toward the accomplishment of the Preliminary Plan and Development Standards Text as approved by Council or the Development Plan as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. 08-2013, passed 9-9-2013)