In addition to the provisions of Chapter 1272, the following standards for the arrangement and development of land and buildings are required in the Urban Residential District.
(a) Lot Area and Coverage.
(1) For each multiple-family dwelling unit there shall be a minimum net lot area of 3,600 square feet. Net lot area does not include publicly dedicated street rights-of-way.
(2) The minimum lot area for development of multiple-family uses shall be 10,000 square feet.
(3) For each two-family lot there shall be a lot area of not less than 4,500 square feet per dwelling unit.
(b) Lot Width.
(1) The lot width shall be 125 feet on a publicly dedicated right-of-way at the front building line.
(2) Two-family lots shall have a minimum lot width of 80 feet.
(3) For a conditional use the lot width shall be adequate to meet the development standards of the Urban Residential District.
(c) Side and Rear Yards.
(1) Multiple-family structures shall be set back from all side and rear property lines a minimum of 25 feet.
(2) For two-family lots a minimum side yard of five feet shall be maintained.
(3) The minimum sum of side yards shall equal 15 feet and the minimum rear yard for two- family lots shall be 25% of the lot depth, except that a rear yard of more than 50 feet shall not be required.
(d) Maximum Height. No dwelling structure shall exceed 35 feet in height. The maximum height for other structures shall not exceed a safe height as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. 5-89, passed 5-8-1989)