For three- through eight-family dwelling structures, the following standards shall apply.
(a) Lot Area. For each dwelling unit there shall be a lot area of 8,500 square feet.
(b) Lot Width. The minimum lot width shall be 150 feet.
(c) Side and Rear Yards. Structures shall be set back from all side and rear property lines a minimum of 25 feet.
(d) Maximum Height. No dwelling structure shall exceed 35 feet in height. The maximum height for other structures shall not exceed a safe height as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(e) Traffic and Parking Concept. A proposed traffic circulation and parking concept shall be shown on the development plan, indicating ingress and egress points, resident and guest parking and provision for service vehicles.
(f) Open Space Concept. A proposed open space concept shall be shown on the development plan, indicating proposed recreational or other amenities, such as operation and maintenance of such areas.
(Ord. 5-89, passed 5-8-1989)