In addition to the provisions of Chapter 1272, the following standards for the arrangement and development of land and buildings are required in the R-3 Suburban Residential District.
   (a)   Lot Area and Coverage.
      (1)   For each dwelling unit there shall be a lot area of not less than 10,000 square feet. The average net density, exclusive of public rights-of-way, for an area to be platted into single-family lots, shall not exceed three dwelling units per acre.
      (2)   For all other permitted uses and conditional uses, the lot area shall be adequate to meet the sanitation requirements of the County Board of Health, but shall not be less than that prescribed for such use.
      (3)   Only one principal use shall be permitted on a lot, and such lot shall not be covered more than 30% by structure.
   (b)   Lot Width. For a dwelling there shall be a lot width of 80 feet or more at the front line of the dwelling, and such lot shall have access to and abut on a public right-of-way for a distance of 50 feet or more. For a conditional use the lot width shall be adequate to meet the development standards of the R-3 District.
   (c)   Side Yards. For dwellings or associated accessory buildings there shall be a total of side yards of 18 feet or more, with a minimum of eight feet on one side.
   (d)   Rear Yards. For main buildings there shall be a rear yard of 25% or more of the lot depth, except that a rear yard of more than 50 feet shall not be required.
   (e)   Maximum Height. No dwelling structure shall exceed 35 feet in height. The maximum height for other structures shall not exceed a safe height as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. 5-89, passed 5-8-1989)