The following uses shall be permitted in the Rural District.
   (a)   Agriculture.
      (1)   Agriculture uses, including farming, dairying, pasturage, horticulture, floriculture, viticulture and animal and poultry husbandry;
      (2)   Farm dwelling structures;
      (3)   Farm labor quarters for laborers working on the premises; and
      (4)   Roadside stands offering for sale only farm products produced on the premises.
   (b)   Dwelling Structures. One-family dwelling structures. A lot of record on the date of adoption of this Zoning Code may be subdivided in accordance with the subdivision regulations to provide up to four residential lots, provided that the remaining portion of the lot is five acres or more.
   (c)   Home Occupations. Home occupations in association with a permitted dwelling and in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1272.
   (d)   Accessory Buildings and Uses. Accessory buildings and uses in association with agriculture or permitted dwellings as specified in § 1272.05 , including noncommercial guest housing, provided the lot is five acres or more.
   (e)   Schools and Parks.
      (1)   Public or private schools offering general educational courses and having no rooms regularly used for the housing or sleeping of students; and
      (2)   Parks, playgrounds and playfields.
   (f)   Religious Uses. A church or other place of worship, provided it occupies a lot of not less than five acres.
   (g)   Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products. Grain elevators, mills or other facilities for the storage, sorting or other preliminary processing of agricultural products, except that commercial grain elevator operations shall not be permitted. Storage facilities shall not be within 50 feet of a side or rear lot line, except when along a railroad right-of-way. Processing facilities shall not be within 100 feet of a side of rear lot line, except when along a railroad right-of-way.
(Ord. 5-89, passed 5-8-1989)