As used in this Zoning Code:
(a) “Accessory building.” A subordinate building, the use of which is incidental to and customary in connection with the principal building or use and which is located on the same lot with such principal building or use.
(b) “Accessory use.” A subordinate use which is incidental to and customary in connection with the principal building or use and which is located on the same lot with such principal building or use.
(c) “Building.” A structure intended for shelter, housing or enclosure of persons, animals or chattels. When separated by dividing walls without openings, each portion of such structure so separated shall be deemed a separate building.
(d) “Building, height of.” The vertical distance measured from the grade to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof, to the deck line of a mansard roof or to the mean height level between the eaves and ridge of a gable, hip or gambrel roof.
(e) “Building setback line.” A line establishing the minimum allowable distance between the nearest portion of any building and the centerline of any street when measured perpendicularly thereto.
(f) “Child care.” Any place, home or institution which cares for young children apart from their parents, when received for regular periods of time for compensation, such as a kindergarten, a nursery school or a class for young children that develops basic skills and social behavior by games, exercises, toys and simple handicraft.
(g) “Clinic.” An establishment where patients are not lodged overnight, but are admitted for examination and treatment by a group of physicians or dentists practicing medicine together.
(h) “Commission.” The Planning and Zoning Commission of the village.
(i) “Council.” The Council of the village.
(j) “Dish antenna.” An outside accessory antenna that is linked to a receiver located on the same lot and used for the reception of signals transmitted by stations licensed by the Federal Communications Commission and the Radio Broadcast Services, including AM, FM and television signals.
(k) “Drive-in commercial uses.” Retail or service establishments which provide a designated place where people can drive up in motor vehicles and conduct the major portion of their business without having to get out of their motor vehicles, or where the serving of motor vehicles is the major business. “Drive-in commercial uses” include, but need not be limited to, drive-in restaurants which prepare and/or dispense ready-to-eat food or beverages and do not provide a place for all their customers to eat inside the building, or which serve ready-to-eat food or beverages for carry out; drive-in theaters; drive-in eating and drinking places; establishments where customers may serve themselves and may eat or drink food, refreshments or beverages on the premises; car washes; and drive-in banks.
(l) “Dwelling, apartment.” A building arranged or intended for four or more families living independently of each other in separate dwelling units, any two or more of which are provided with a common entrance or hall and all dwelling units of which are intended to be maintained under single ownership or owned under condominium arrangement.
(m) “Dwelling, single-family.” A building arranged or designed to be occupied by one family, the structure having only one dwelling unit.
(n) “Dwelling, two-family.” A building arranged or designed to be occupied by two families, the structure having only two dwelling units with separate entrances.
(o) “Landscaped area.” An area that is permanently devoted and maintained for the growing of shrubbery, grass and other plant material.
(p) “Lot, depth of.” The average horizontal distance between front and rear lot lines.
(q) “Lot, minimum.” A parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by a principal structure or group of structures and accessory structures, together with such yards, open spaces, lot width and lot area as are required by this Zoning Code, and having not less than the minimum required frontage upon a street, either shown and identified by lot number on a plat of record or considered as a unit of property and described by metes and bounds.
(r) “Lot line.” A line bounding or demarcating a plot of land or ground as established by a plat of record.
(s) “Lot, width.” The average horizontal distance between side lot lines.
(t) “Nonconforming use.” A legal use of a building and/or of land that antedates the adoption of this Zoning Code and does not conform to the regulations for the zoning district in which it is located.
(u) “Opaqueness.” The degree to which a wall, fence, structure or landscaping is solid or impenetrable to light or vision in a generally uniform pattern over its surface.
(v) “Street right-of-way line.” The dividing line between a street right-of-way and the contiguous property.
(w) “Structure.” Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires permanent location on the ground or attachment to something having permanent location on the ground, including advertising signs, billboards, mobile homes (located for occupancy on a permanent foundation) and other construction or erection with special function or form, except fences or walks.
(x) “Structure, principal.” A structure in which is conducted the principal use of the lot on which it is situated.
(y) “Townhouse.” A building consisting of a series of three or more attached or semi-detached dwelling units, each with a ground floor and a separate ownership or condominium.
(z) “Yard, rear.” An open space between the rear lines of the principal structure, exclusive of steps, and the rear line of the lot and extending the full width of the lot. The “rear yard” may be used for accessory structures.
(aa) “Yard, side.” An open, unoccupied space on the same lot with a structure between the side line of the structure, exclusive of steps, and the side line of the lot, and extending from the front line to the rear line of the building.
(bb) “Zoning district.” Any section of the village in which zoning regulations are uniform.
(Ord. 5-89, passed 5-8-1989)