(a) Land Dedication. The basic land dedication requirement shall be that 2% of the total gross site area, plus 0.03 acres per dwelling unit proposed, shall be set aside as open space, except that in no case shall the open space requirement exceed 25% of the total gross site area. Such area shall constitute ground suitable for public parks and playground facilities, as reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(b) Private Recreational Facilities. If the resulting land dedication is determined to be of insufficient size or inappropriately located, or if public ownership and operation of such recreational areas are not feasible, the village may request that an applicant plan for the provision of privately financed and owned recreational facilities. Such private park areas shall be not less than 65% of the land area otherwise required under division (a) hereof, provided that such park areas shall be privately developed for recreational uses. The applicant shall be required to indicate:
(1) The proposed size and location of the park area;
(2) The proposed recreational facilities and site improvements to be made;
(3) A schedule indicating how actual construction of the proposed park and improvements is to be phased in, in relationship to overall project phasing; and
(4) How both ownership and maintenance of such park areas are to be undertaken.
(Ord. 5-89, passed 5-8-1989)