§ 1202.04 DUTIES.
   The Planning and Zoning Commission shall:
   (a)   Conduct studies and surveys relative to overall planning for the growth, development, redevelopment, rehabilitation and renewal of the village, prepare such plans, reports and maps as are required to support their findings, and make such recommendations to Council as it feels are in the best interests of the village;
   (b)   Continuously review and report to Council its recommendations concerning the village’s capital improvement programs and the village’s subdivision, platting and zoning ordinances and regulations;
   (c)   Cooperate with other governmental or private planning agencies, securing such studies, surveys and reports prepared by such agencies to ensure maximum benefits for the village;
   (d)   Review and approve or disapprove all plans to change, relocate, widen, extend or vacate streets, alleys, parks, playgrounds, recreation areas and other public ways and places, including such drawings and data required to be submitted with the application. The Commission is hereby empowered to request and to require such additional data and drawings as are deemed necessary to render a decision on the application submitted;
   (e)   Review all requests for rezoning or variances from existing zoning or building regulations. Such applications and the Commission’s recommendations shall be forwarded to Council for final approval or disapproval; and
   (f)   Establish such rules, regulations and procedures as are necessary to ensure the prompt and orderly processing of all matters brought before it, including coordination with the Village Fiscal Officer, Engineer, Building Inspector and such other officials as shall be deemed necessary.
(Ord. 14-85, passed 11-11-1985; Ord. 4-89, passed 4-10-1989; Ord. 16-2017, passed 6-19-2017)