(a)   The Village of Minerva Park will assume the maintenance and operation of the Minerva Park Swimming Pool located within the Village of Minerva Park, Franklin County, State of Ohio.
   (b)   Steps for the transfer of responsibility will begin immediately and will be completed by the opening of the pool on Saturday, May 27, 2006.
   (c)   Steps include but are not limited to:
      (1)   Transferring all funds, records and assets currently under the control of the Minerva Park Pool Board to the Village of Minerva Park;
      (2)   Having the Fiscal Officer create a section of the Minerva Park budget to allocate and track funds for the maintenance and operation of the Minerva Park Swimming Pool;
      (3)   Creating seasonal staff positions of Pool Manager, Pool Assistant Manager and Pool Life Guards within the village to operate the pool before, during and after the swimming season;
      (4)   Creating an assistant maintenance worker position to help maintain the pool as one of the duties; and
      (5)   Encouraging and supporting the members of the most recent Pool Board and the Minerva Park Community Association to work together to create a pool social committee in order to arrange for pool-related social and other activities
   (d)   It is hereby noted that the Minerva Park Swimming Pool and Swim Club has been an outstanding example of citizens working together for benefit of their community. From the earliest vision of a small group of citizens raising the money to build the pool through 40 plus years of countless citizens serving on the Pool Board, the Minerva Park Swimming Pool exists because of the commitment and hard work of Minerva Park citizens.
   (e)   The Village Mayor, Fiscal Officer and Solicitor are authorized to take further actions consistent with this section that are needed to carry out the intentions of this section for the maintenance and operation of the Minerva Park Swimming Pool.
(Ord. 01-2006, passed 5-8-2006)
Editor’s note:
   Current rates for pool membership fees are available in the office of the Village Fiscal Officer.