(a)   There are three public parking lots in the Village of Minerva:
      (1)   The unmetered Municipal Parking Lot situated between South Market Street and South Main Street.
      (2)   The metered Mill Parking Lot at the intersection of East Line Street and Short Street; and
      (3)   The metered Police and Village Hall Parking Lots at the intersection of Short Street and High Street.
   (b)   All parking is prohibited in all three public parking lots from 3:00 a.m. until 5:00 a.m. every day of the week, except for the holder of a Municipal Parking Permit pursuant to Section 353.06.
   (c)   Pursuant to Section 353.06, monthly Municipal Parking Permits may be purchased in all three public parking lots for extended long term parking.
(Ord. 27-21. Passed 8-10-21.)