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   (A)   The plan submission and review process shall be coordinated with and integrated into the city planning, review, and permitting process. Following the effective date of this section, no building permit shall be issued without an approved storm water management plan required under this article.
      (1)   Applications must be acquired by all required federal and state agencies.
      (2)   Applications must be acquired by all county agencies, if applicable.
      (3)   A notice of intent must be filed with the Director.
      (4)   An application for development/plat or re-development/plat, including a preliminary plat checklist and a Storm Water Management and Erosion Control Plan must be submitted for review to the Director to be processed through the Planning Commission process.
      (5)   A Storm Water Management and Erosion Control BMP Maintenance Agreement must be filed with the Code Enforcement Officer and the Director prior to construction.
      (6)   A Storm Water Management and Erosion Control Plan right-of-way agreement must be filed with the Director prior to construction.
   (B)   Any grading or building permit issued by the city may be suspended or revoked after written notice is given to the permittee for any of the following reasons:
      (1)   Violations of the conditions of the approved Storm Water Management and Erosion Control Plan;
      (2)   Changes in site runoff characteristics upon which an approval or waiver was granted;
      (3)   Construction is not in accordance with the approved plan;
      (4)   Noncompliance with correction notice(s) or stop work order(s) issued during construction; and
      (5)   An immediate danger exists in a downstream area in the opinion of the city.
(Prior Code, § 932.22)