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   Drainage systems shall comply with the standards established by this article.
   (A)   The Municipal Utility Commission may furnish additional policy, criteria, and information, including specifications and standards, for the proper implementation of the requirements of the article and may provide such information in the form of a Storm Water Drainage Design Manual.
   (B)   This manual may include a list of acceptable storm water treatment practices, including the specific design criteria for each storm water practice. The manual may be updated and expanded from time to time, at the discretion of the Municipal Utility Commission, based on improvements in engineering, science, monitoring, and local maintenance experience. Storm water treatment practices that are designed and constructed in accordance with these design and sizing criteria will be presumed to meet the minimum water quality performance standards.
   (C)   For purposes of this article, the current edition of the state’s Department of Transportation Drainage Manual is hereby referenced as the Storm Water Design Manual in its entirety with the following exceptions:
      (1)   All drainage design for piping shall meet 25-year storm requirements; and
      (2)   Minimum pipe sizes apply unless specifically approved by the Director.
   (D)   For purposes of this article, the current edition of the state’s Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges and Supplemental Revisions is hereby referenced for material and construction specifications for activities governed by this article.
(Prior Code, § 932.21)