In review of proposed subdivision or major partition, the technical review committee shall confirm that requirements for the following factors have been met:
A.   Preliminary plat requirements.
B.   Conformance to zoning and comprehensive plan provisions with particular emphasis on the public facilities plan.
C.   Quantity and quality of existing or proposed water supply, adequacy of the existing or proposed sewage disposal system to support the projected population; or in the event that subsurface sewage disposal is proposed for any of the parcels of the development, the capability of the soil for the proper long term support of such a system or systems.
D.   Relationship to the existing road network.
E.   Avoidance or remedy of possible adverse effects on the development by natural hazards. Land which is found to be technically unsuitable for development due to flooding, steep slopes, rock formations, or other features likely to be harmful to the safety and general health of the future residents, shall not be developed for building purposes unless adequate methods for overcoming these conditions are submitted by an appropriate state licensed engineer, and approved by all agencies which regulate the technical unsuitability.
F.   Recognition and remedy of unusual conditions of the property involved such as high water table, slope, bedrock, or other topographic or geologic conditions which might limit the capability to build on the land using ordinary and reasonable construction techniques.
G.   Marketable title or other interest contracted for.
H.   Evidence that each and every parcel can be used for the purpose for which they are intended.
I.   Agreement or bylaws to provide for management, construction, maintenance, or other services pertaining to common facilities or elements in the development.
J.   Protective covenants or deed restrictions. (1978 Code)