Vision clearance requirements apply to all zones.
A.   All corner lots shall maintain a triangular area for clear vision purposes. Two (2) sides of the triangle are lines measured from the corner intersection of the property lines to a distance of twenty five feet (25') from the corner point. The third side of the triangle is the straight line connecting the two (2) 25-foot sides. Corner lots include intersections of public streets and private streets such as in mobile home parks or apartment developments.
B.   All lots which abut alleys which intersect with streets shall maintain a triangular area for clear vision purposes. The sides of the triangle forming the corner angle shall be fifteen feet (15'). The third side of the triangle is the straight line connecting the two (2) 15-foot sides.
C.   No screen or other visual obstruction with the exception of one tree or shrub trunk no larger than ten inches (10") in diameter shall be permitted to be between two and one-half (21/2) and eight feet (8') above the grade of street centerline, or curb top if one is present. Woven wire and chainlink fences are permitted provided that there is no other landscaping or visual obstruction.
D.   The vision clearance requirement may be increased by the site plan review committee or planning commission in areas of unusual circumstances. For example, streets permitting high speed travel or with excessive curbs may require a larger field of vision.
E.   Any obstruction of a visual clearance area is subject to abatement by the city upon twenty four (24) hours' notice irrespective of standard abatement procedures in section 10-1-10 of this title. (Ord. 947, 5-12-2008)