Park sites to be dedicated by developer shall include the following land improvements:
   (A)   Utilities. Each dedicated park site shall be provided with the following utilities to the property line:
      (1)   Sanitary sewers adjacent to the site shall be a minimum of eight inches in diameter. If the sanitary sewer is across the right-of-way from the park site, the developer shall provide a capped six inch minimum diameter service line, accessible by a manhole where necessary, and as approved by the village.
      (2)   Water lines adjacent to the site shall be a minimum of six inches in diameter. If the water line is across the right-of-way from the park site, the developer shall provide a capped one-inch minimum diameter water line back to the property line, as approved by the village, unless otherwise requested and approved by the village for a special facility.
      (3)   Storm sewers shall be provided at appropriate locations to properly drain the park site, as approved by the village.
      (4)   Other utilities, such as electric, gas and telephone shall be provided adjacent to or at the property line of the park site. The utility extension for any development adjacent to the park site shall be at the cost of the developer and the village shall be responsible solely for utility extensions necessary to construct a park facility. The village shall not be responsible for utility extensions for any other purpose.
   (B)   Grading. Except for natural areas designated by the village for retention in a non-disturbed state, each dedicated park site shall be graded to drain at a minimum of 2% for open areas and slopes on berms, when berms are required, and shall not exceed 4:1 (3:1 or steeper shall be deemed unacceptable). Grading shall include, but not be limited to, berms for separation, screening or aesthetics, placement of six inches of topsoil and fine grading. Grading and berming shall be in accordance with plans approved by the village.
   (C)   Other site developments. The developer shall be required to provide other site developments for the land to be dedicated for park purposes, which site developments shall include, but not be limited to, the following and be subject to the following provisions:
      (1)   Seed the entire park site with a blend approved by the village. Seeding shall include placement, watering as necessary and mowing until such time as a full stand of turf is established and accepted by the village, but not less than one full growing season.
      (2)   The developer may, at the discretion of the Board, make a cash contribution in lieu of the required improvements to park land in an amount as established by the village in its sole discretion.
      (3)   Developer shall install all public walks, curbs, pavement, sewers and utilities along all park site frontages as per village subdivision regulations and as the village may require.
      (4)   Developer shall install curb and aprons, if necessary, for maintenance access areas, when parking is not required, as per village specifications.
      (5)   At such time as the developer applies for development permits, a bond or irrevocable letter of credit satisfactory to the village in its sole discretion in the amount of 100% percent of the value of all park improvements shall be delivered to the village and inure to the benefit of the village.
      (6)   Unless otherwise agreed, the above-listed park improvements shall be completed at such a time as 50% of the residential building permits for the development have been issued.
      (7)   The storage of overburden on a park site and the use of the park site as a borrow pit is prohibited, though temporary storage shall be granted in some cases. Terms of such temporary storage shall be determined by the village. No foreign material shall be added to a park site, except as approved by the village.
      (8)   The developer shall supply the village with a complete survey of the site and as-built drawings, showing engineering and utilities. The developer shall mark the corners of the property with permanent monuments.
(Ord. 1025, passed 4-20-09)