Unless otherwise waived, real property to be dedicated to the village shall conform to the following criteria. The village reserves the right to reject at will any parcel offered for dedication.
(A) Location. The location of any dedicated land shall only be as approved by the village, consistent with the following guidelines:
(1) Locations shall generally conform with the village’s Park Master Plan and the general location of park sites;
(2) Neighborhood park sites shall be accessible to the public and designed to serve a population within one-half to one mile radius from the site;
(3) Park sites shall be located in conjunction with and adjacent to school sites whenever possible and desirable; and
(4) Community parks are intended to serve a broader area and should be located and designed to offer a greater variety of facilities and activities. These parks should typically be located on arterial or collector streets.
(B) Storm water and surface water detention or retention areas. Stormwater and surface water detention and retention areas may be accepted at the discretion of the village and not count toward the total land dedication.
(C) Wetlands and other natural areas. Wetlands and other natural areas will be considered acceptable only when they are considered significant in size, quality, and uniqueness, contain endangered plants or animal species, or are adjacent to existing natural areas currently owned by the village. Wetland areas will be accepted at the discretion of the Village Board. Any such wetland area accepted by the village shall not count toward the total land dedication required herein; provided that exceptional wetland designs or accompanying amenities may be given partial or full credit toward the land/cash contribution requirements at the discretion of the Board.
(D) Dimensions. Sites shall be generally square to rectangular in shape with dimensions generally proportionate to the ratio of depth of between one to one and three to two (1:1 and 3:2). These criteria shall not apply to sites contemplated for extraordinary types of facilities such as, but not limited to, trails and shore line frontages.
(E) Street frontage. Park space shall have a minimum street frontage of 50 feet and should generally be centrally located within a development.
(F) Access. Access to park sites and connections to other park sites are to be provided by way of open access ways between homes and/or from public right-of-way. The access ways shall be a minimum of 50 feet.
(G) Drainage. Except for stormwater and surface water drainage facilities servicing the park facilities constructed on the site, detention or retention basins for stormwater drainage from the surrounding development shall not be located on or adjacent to park sites unless approved by the village.
(H) Long, narrow strips of open space are discouraged, except where designated to protect linear sources such as streets or trails or to provide connections between larger open space areas.
(Ord. 1025, passed 4-20-09)