Any person who pays any bill, fine, charge or fee of the village with any check or draft which is subsequently returned unpaid to the village because of insufficient funds or because of a stop order on such check or draft, shall be liable to the village for a service charge of $25 for each and every check so returned. Such service charge shall be paid within seven days of notification in cash, money order, or certified check before the bill , fine, charge or fee for which the check was rendered shall be considered paid. Should two such checks or drafts be returned within a one-year period, no further payments shall be accepted from such person except in the form of cash, certified check, cashier’s check or money order for a period of 12 months from the date of the return of the second check or draft. If the said service charge designated herein is not paid, the village may proceed with any and all legal action necessary to collect said service charge and the maker of the check or draft shall be responsible for all costs and attorney fees incurred in said collection efforts.
(Ord. 1038, passed 10-19-09)