(Name of Subdivision)
(Date of Submission)
(Due Date of Recommendation - 60 Days)
(NOTE: To properly execute this checklist, the subdivider or his engineer shall:
(A) Insert the required information.
(B) Denote compliance with applicable ordinances by placing his initials in all spaces where applicable.
(C) Denote those items which the subdivider considers “not applicable” to this particular subdivision by the abbreviation “N.A.”).
1. Six copies of preliminary plan submitted.
3. Plan scale is not less than one inch to 100 feet.
4. Minimum profile scale is one inch to 100 feet horizontal and one inch to ten feet vertical.
5. A title sheet is included with each set of preliminary plans.
6. Name of proposed subdivision shown.
7. Location given by town, range, section or other legal description.
8. Name and address of owner, trust, corporation, or subdivider having control of project is shown.
9. Name and seal of registered engineer or surveyor who prepared topographic survey is shown.
10. Name and address of the designer of the plan is shown.
11. North direction is shown.
12. Date of preparation and date of revisions if any, is shown.
13. A location map is included indicating:
a. A scale of not less than one inch to 1,000 feet.
b. Boundary lines of adjoining land within an area bounded by the nearest arterial streets or other natural boundaries.
c. Use of surrounding land.
d. Ownership of the surrounding land.
e. Alignment of existing streets.
f. Section and corporate lines.
14. Boundary lines of proposed subdivision is clearly shown.
15. Total approximate acreage is shown.
16. Existing zoning classification is indicated.
17. The following existing items, if within the boundaries of the subdivision, or located 100 feet or less outside the boundaries are shown:
a. Previously platted streets and other rights-of-way with improvements, if any, indicating:
1. location
2. widths
3. names
b. Railroad rights-of-way, indicating:
1. location
2. dimensions
c. Utility rights-of-way, indicating:
1. location
2. widths
3. types
a. sewer
b. water
c. electric
d. other
d. Parks and other open spaces, indicating:
1. location
2. area
e. Easements, indicating:
1. location
2. width
3. purpose
f. Permanent buildings and structures, indicating:
1. location
2. setback lines
3. names of owners
g. Section and corporate lines
h. Sanitary sewers, indicating:
1. location
2. size
3. manholes
4. invert elevations at manholes
i. Water mains, indicating:
1. location
2. size
3. valves, indicating:
a. valve manhole, or
b. valve box
4. fire hydrants and auxiliary valves
j. Culverts, indicating:
1. type
2. location
3. size
4. invert elevation
k. Storm sewers, indicating:
1. location
2. size
3. catch basins
4. invert elevations
l. Watercourses, indicating:
1. type
2. high water width and elevation
3. width of easement
4. location of easement
m. Marshes, indicating:
1. location
2. dimensions
3. soil bearing capacity
n. Rock outcrops, indicating:
1. location
2. dimensions
o. Monuments and survey markers, indicating:
1. location
2. type
18. Topographic data is given in feet above mean sea level within the tract and to a distance of 100 feet beyond, indicating:
a. Existing contours at vertical intervals of not more than two feet.
b. Proposed contours at vertical intervals of not more than two feet.
c. Bench mark, indicating:
1. location
2. description
3. elevation
19. Soil bearing data is given, if required by the Superintendent of Streets, indicating:
a. Location of tests
b. Depth of tests
c. Soil bearing capacity
d. Moisture content
20. The following proposed items, if within the boundaries of the subdivision or located 100 feet or less outside of the boundaries, are shown:
a. Layout of streets, indicating:
1. Arterial (Primary) streets, indicating:
a. 80 foot right-of-way width
b. 50 foot roadway width
2. Collector (secondary) streets, indicating:
a. 60 foot right-of-way width
b. 40 foot roadway width, back-to-back
3. Local (minor) streets, indicating:
a. 50 foot right-of-way width
b. 36 foot roadway width, back-to-back of curbs
4. Cul-de-sac streets, indicating:
a. 50 foot right-of-way width
b. 30 foot roadway width, back-to-back of curbs
c. The length does not exceed 500 feet unless there are less than 16 lots abutting the cul-de-sac street.
d. Terminus is circular, or nearly so, and right-of-way is at least 120 feet in diameter.
e. Terminus roadway width is 90 feet in diameter.
5. Through street shown extended to boundaries of subdivision
6. Storm water runoff pattern on paving
b. Names of streets
1. Not duplicating the name of any street heretofore used in the village or its environs, unless the street is an extension of an already existing street, in which case, the name shall be used.
c. Street improvement plan showing location of all new street improvements, including those to the center line of previously dedicated rights-of-way, abutting the subdivision, in accordance with present standards of the village.
d. Utility easements:
1. Located at the rear of each lot and other necessary locations
2. Not less than ten feet in width on each lot
3. Purpose is indicated
4. Storm water runoff is indicated
e. Centerline profiles of all streets showing gradients not less than 0.4% and not more than:
1. 5.0% on collector streets
2. 7.0% on minor streets
1. Location at approximately the center of the blocks in excess of 900 feet in length
2. Width not less than ten feet
3. Shrub or tree hedge at side boundary lines
1. Blocks do not exceed 1,800 feet in length
2. Additional access ways to parks, schools, etc., are shown in accordance with the Plan Commission's requirements
3. Blocks fit readily into the overall plan of the subdivision, with due consideration given to:
a. topographical conditions
b. lot planning
c. traffic flow pattern
d. public open space areas
4. Block numbers
5. Blocks intended for commercial, industrial or institutional use are so designated.
h. Lot layout, indicating:
1. Lot dimensions
2. Lot areas, not less than those stipulated in the appropriated district regulations of the Zoning Code. (Areas may be listed by Schedule)
3. Building setback lines shown and properly dimensioned
4. Proposed land use
5. Lot numbers
6. Corner lots are sufficiently larger than interior lots to allow maintenance of building setback lines on both street frontages and still allow a buildable width equal to that of the smallest interior lot in the block
7. All lots abut a publicly dedicated street for a distance of not less than the minimum width of the lot
8. Lots are as nearly rectangular in shape as is practicable
9. Lots are not less than the provision of the Zoning Code
10. Lot lines are substantially at right angles to the street lines and radial to curved street lines
11. Double frontage lots only where:
a. lots back upon an arterial street and front on an access street
b. topographic or other conditions make subdividing otherwise unreasonable
c. lots can be made an addition 20 feet deeper than average
d. a protective screen planting is indicated on one frontage
12. Lots abutting or traversed by a watercourse, drainage way, channel way, channel, or stream, indicating:
a. additional width and depth to provide an acceptable building site
b. width of easement is at least 15 feet wider on each side of water at high water level
13. Due regard for natural features, such as:
a. trees
b. watercourses
c. historic items
d. other similar conditions
i. Areas intended to be dedicated for public use, indicating:
1. Plan conforms to general development plan of the municipality
2. Purpose
3. Acreage
j. Source of domestic water supply, indicating:
1. Connection to existing water mains
2. Location of site for community water plant
k. Provision for sewage disposal, indicating:
1. Connection to existing sanitary sewer mains
2. Location of site for community sewage disposal plant
l. School sites, indicating:
1. Location
2. Dimensions
3. Acreage
m. Topographic information, indicating:
1. Proposed changes in elevation of land showing that any flooding would be relieved
2. Adequate installation of storm sewers would remove the possibility of flooding
n. Sanitary sewer layout, indicating:
1. Location
2. Size
3. Invert elevations at manholes
4. Manhole locations
o. Water main layout, indicating:
1. Location
2. Size
3. Looped pattern where practicable
4. Fire hydrants, spaced apart not more than 400 feet
p. Storm sewer layout, indicating:
1. Location
2. Catch basins not more than 600 foot intervals
3. Storm water is not carried across or around any intersection
4. Surface water drainage pattern for individual lot and block
q. Street light layout, indicating:
1. Locations and typical street light detail, or
2. Statement by subdivider that street lights will be installed in accordance with standards of the municipality
21. An outline of proposed covenants accompanies the plans, indicating the intention of the subdivider to have the covenants recorded with the final plat.
a. Protective against obstruction against drainage easements
22. Typical street cross-section showing base construction, surfacing, concrete curb and sidewalk in accordance with the land improvements code.
23. Indication that sidewalks will be installed along all lot lines coincidental with street rights-of-way.
24. Indication on drawing or by certificate that subdivider is aware of his responsibility for installation of street signs and for seeding and tree planting in all parkways.
Completed by: (Name)
Reviewed by: (Zoning Administrator)
Considered by Plan Commission on: (Date)
(Ord. passed - - )