(A) The Chief of Police shall keep records and make such reports concerning the activities of his Department as may be required by statute or by the Board of Trustees, and he shall attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees. The Chief shall be responsible for the performance by the Police Department of its functions and all persons who are members of the Police Department shall serve subject to the orders of the Chief. The Chief shall be governed in the discharge of his duties by the lawful commands of the President.
(B) The Chief of Police shall be specifically charged with the supervision of all members of the Department and shall be held strictly responsible for the conduct, and efficiency of all such members for the general good order of the Department, and shall be responsible to the President and Board of Trustees. He shall have regular hours of duty during each working day. The Chief of Police shall have a thorough knowledge of all sections of the village, and when going on duty shall immediately familiarize himself with all police business transacted since his last tour of duty. The Chief of Police shall diligently inquire into all complaints and charges of laxity and misconduct in the performance of duty by members under his command and shall take such steps as set forth in these rules and regulations, or as he may deem necessary when not in conflict with these rules and regulations.
(C) The Chief of Police shall receive and give proper attention to complaints of all persons referred to him and perform such other duties as may be required from time to time prescribed by law.
(D) The Chief of Police shall have full power and authority to reprimand any member of the Police Department, and to file charges against any member of the Police Department with the Board of Trustees. In addition the Chief of Police shall have the authority to suspend without pay a member of his department for a period of not more than five days, but he shall notify the Board of Trustees for a review of the suspension within 24 hours after such suspension. Any police officer so suspended may appeal to the Board of Trustees for a review of the suspension within 24 hours after such suspension and upon such appeal the Board of Trustees may sustain the action of the Chief of the Department, may reverse it with instructions that the man receive his pay for the period involved or may suspend the officer for an additional period of not more than 30 days or discharge him, depending upon the facts presented.
(E) The Chief of Police shall have custody and control of all books, records, machines, tools, apparatus or equipment of every kind necessary for the use of the Department and establish and maintain a detailed record of all such items in inventory.
(F) All rules and regulations described in this chapter which are applicable to the members of the Police Department are also applicable to the Chief of Police.
(Ord. 488, passed 1-20-86)