(A)   Permission required. Building permits shall be held to imply a license to occupy such portion of the public street and sidewalk abutting upon and adjacent to such buildings for private use in connection with the actual building operations under such permit as is required, subject to the supervision and direction of the Superintendent of Streets and Alleys.
   (B)   Materials on streets. No materials except those required for immediate use in connection with a building or structure, or the alteration or repair thereof under such permit, shall be placed upon the street or sidewalk abutting upon or adjacent to such building. As soon as such building or structure is under roof, all materials shall be placed within the lot line, and the street and sidewalk cleaned and placed in the same condition as before the beginning of building operations under such permit.
   (C)   Area used; temporary walks. No more than one-half the space between the centerline of the street and the lot line of the premises upon which such building alterations or repairs are being conducted under such permit, and no more than one-third the width of any public sidewalk, shall be occupied under such permit; provided the full width of the sidewalk may be occupied by the consent of the Superintendent of Streets and Alleys, and the providing of a temporary walk leading around the obstructed portion of the sidewalk connecting with the permanent walk at either end thereof. Such temporary walk shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Superintendent, and it shall be his duty to cause the same to be made safe and secure for public travel upon the same.
   (D)   Access to hydrants, drains. No building material, temporary walk or obstruction shall be placed so as to render inaccessible access to, or obstruct any fire hydrant, manhole, catch basin, or vault, or render impassable to vehicles any street, alley or public way.
   (E)   Cleaning of walk. The holder of such permit shall at all times during the work thereunder, maintain the portion of the permanent sidewalk reserved or the temporary walk above provided for, in a safe condition and clear of all material, rubbish, dirt or snow.
   (F)   Barriers. The holder of such permit shall erect and maintain a sufficient and suitable fence, railing or barricade to guard all excavations, embankments or obstructions along the street, obstructed during the time he shall occupy the same under such permit.
   (G)   Lights or tallow pots to be maintained along obstruction area. The holder of such permit shall place and maintain proper and sufficient red lights or tallow pots on each end of every such obstruction or excavation and at intervals of 50 feet along the same at night. No person shall remove, extinguish or disturb the lights or pots.
   (H)   Obstructing gutters. The holder of such permit shall at no time obstruct the gutter or waterway of any street so as to prevent free passage of water along the street, and if any gutter be shaded or covered so that ice accumulated therein, he shall clear the gutter of such ice so as to allow the water to pass freely at all times.
('73 Code, § 5.06) Penalty, see § 10.99