(A) Application. Any person, firm or corporation having an interest in real estate within the service areas of the village water distribution system and desiring the extension of watermains to their premises shall make application therefore to the village and shall include a plat showing the area to be served by the watermain extension.
(B) Design of proposed extension. Detailed construction plans of proposed watermain extension accompanied by completed IEPA permit applications shall be submitted by developers of real estate to the village. The size and length of watermains, plan and profile, location of fire hydrants, water service valves and other appurtenances shall be included on these plans. Furthermore, the following general requirements shall apply:
(1) All mains shall be a minimum of six inches in diameter but sized so that fire protection service may be rendered to all lots on premises to be served by the main and any possible extension thereof.
(2) All plastic watermains shall be manufactured in compliance with AWWA C-900, DR-18 pipe with cast iron pipe equivalent outside diameters and all fittings shall be ductile iron mechanical joint and cement mortar lined unless otherwise approved by the village.
(3) Fire hydrants shall be so located that no premises will be more than 400 feet from a fire hydrant.
(4) No “dead end” watermain extension shall be permitted unless, as determined by the village, the construction of a “looped” or interconnected extension is not feasible.
(5) The village may require a proposed extension to be connected to the distribution system at a point judged by the Village to be adequate in capacity to serve the applicants property. The village shall not be required to allow the connection of a proposed extension to the closest point of existing service if such service is determined to be inadequate for a proposed extension.
(6) The village reserves the right to charge a developer that portion of the construction costs for watermains which the village has installed directly fronting his property or lot being developed.
(7) The village reserves the right to further extend or to allow service connections to watermains constructed under this chapter.
(8) Extensions made under this chapter shall be and, shall remain the property of the village.
(9) All developers shall present construction plans to the village. The village shall charge the applicant proposing a watermain extension a fee for the Village Engineer's review of the proposed construction plans. This fee shall not exceed 1% of the construction cost.
(10) Obtaining all IEPA permits and approvals for the construction and operation of a proposed watermain extension is the responsibility of the applicant.
(11) Requirements regarding water mains as detailed in Chapter 151 of this Code relating to subdivisions shall also govern the construction of watermain extensions within the village.
(12) A bond shall be executed by the applicant and the contractor, with sureties acceptable for the village for the faithful performance of the proposed construction in full compliance with the approved plans and specifications and in an amount equal to 150% of the estimated cost thereof.
(13) Prior to any construction, there shall be filed with the village a policy of liability insurance, showing the village an insured party, covering the proposed construction and in principal minimum amounts of $200,000 for injury to one person, $400,000 for injuries to persons on one occasion, and $100,000 for property damage for the purpose of protecting the village against the claim or claims of any person or persons arising out of the construction, other than those based upon Workman's Compensation.
(Ord. 573, passed 10-25-89)