(A)   The town elects to enlarge its participation in the Public Employees’ Retirement Fund by including additional classes of employees as stated below in the coverage under Chapter 340 of the Acts of 1945, all Acts amendatory and supplemental thereto. This agreement supplements the original dated 7-1-1986.
   (B)   The town agrees to make the required contributions under the Public Employees’ Retirement Fund Act, which is the Act of 1945, Chapter 340, and all Acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, including specifically the Acts of 1955, Chapter 329, commonly designated as “The Indiana Public Employees’ Social Security Integration and Supplemental Retirement Benefit Act”.
   (C)   The following positions are declared to be covered by the Fund:
      (1)   Clerk Assistant/Marshal Assistant;
      (2)   Maintenance Director;
      (3)   Clerk-Treasurer;
      (4)   Town Marshal;
      (5)   Deputy Marshal; and
      (6)   Maintenance Assistant.
   (D)   It is hereby declared that none of the classifications or positions specified in division (C) above are compensated on a fee basis or of an emergency nature, or in a part-time category.
(Res. passed 4-7-1997; Res. 2001-3, passed 2-12-2001; Res. 2015-2, passed 1-14-2015; Ord. passed 4-8-2015; Res. 2018-1, passed 1-10-2018; Res. 2018-3, passed 2-14-2018; Res. 2018-8, passed 9-12-2018)