(A)   Establishment of Local Major Moves Construction Fund. There is hereby established the “Town of Millersburg Local Major Moves Construction Fund”, as contemplated by House Enrolled Act No. 1008, and I.C. 8-14-16-4(a) forming a part thereof (hereinafter the “Fund”).
   (B)   Expenditures from the Fund. Moneys in the Fund may be expended only for the purposes set forth in I.C. 8-14-16-5, as such was incorporated in House Enrolled Act No. 1008, and as such shall from time to time hereinafter be amended or expanded, and in a fashion consistent with the provisions of this section. Moneys in the Fund shall consist of the original allocation to the town government from the state’s Major Moves Construction Fund, moneys received hereafter from other state, federal, or local sources, and investment earnings in the Fund.
   (C)   Regulation on the use of moneys in the Fund. In accordance with I.C. 8-14-16-4(d), the Town Council may appropriate money in the Fund for purposes described in I.C. 8-14-16-5, provided, however, that such appropriations must be included as part of the annual budget for the calendar year in accordance with I.C. 6-1.1-17. Money remaining in the Fund at the end of a particular calendar year shall remain in the Fund and shall not revert to any other fund.
(Ord. 2006-10, passed 9-13-2006)