(A)   The Town Council hereby divides (and/or re-divides) the town into three election wards for the purpose of conducting elections of town officers.
   (B)   The boundaries of such wards, to be numbered one through three, are as follows.
      (1)   Ward One shall have the following boundaries/dimensions: All that portion of the town which lies to the centerline of Jefferson Street north commencing on the north town limits line at a point where the centerline of Jefferson Street extended north intersect said line; thence from Main Street to a point of one-half a block east on Main Street then south through an alley one-half block then east through an alley one-half block and lies to the centerline of Sherman Street to said line south of town limits.
      (2)   Ward Two shall have the following boundaries/dimensions: All that portion of the town which lies east of the first ward and west of a line described as follows: Commencing on the south town limits line at a point where the centerline of Jackson Street extended south would intersect said line; thence north along the centerline of Jackson Street and the centerline extended to the centerline of Elm Street; thence east along the centerline of Elm Street to the centerline of Larimer Drive; thence north along the centerline of Larimer Drive then west on the centerline of Blessing Street then north of the centerline of Cripe Drive extended to the north town limits line.
      (3)   Ward Three shall have the following boundaries/dimensions: All that portion of the town which lies east of the second ward.
(Ord. 2002-15, passed 10-28-2002)