(A)   (1)   The alley located between Jefferson and Clinton Streets running from Main Street to Washington Street and sometimes referred to as “Salem Bank Alley” shall be a one-way alley south and no one shall operate any vehicle in a northerly direction thereon.
      (2)   The alley located between Washington and Main Streets and running from Jefferson Street to Clinton Street shall be a one-way alley west and no one shall operate any vehicle in an east direction thereon.
      (3)   The Town Marshal shall procure and erect a sufficient number of signs advising the public of the existence of the one-way status of said alleys.
   (B)   (1)   The portion of the north and south alley lying between Monroe and Sherman Streets and running from Main Street to the alley south of Main Street (commonly known as the Post Office Alley) shall be a one-way alley south from Main Street to Washington Street.
      (2)   The portion of the east-west alley lying between Main and Washington Streets and running from Sherman Street to the alley east of Sherman Street (the Post Office Alley) shall be a one-way alley west from the Post Office Alley to Sherman Street.
      (3)   The Marshal is directed to secure appropriate signs, conforming to state standards as to size, designating said alley as one-way and prohibiting entry from Sherman Street from the alley south of Main Street and from Washington Street and to erect the same pursuant to state standards.
   (C)   (1)   The portion of the north and south alley lying between Jefferson Street and Sherman Street shall be a one-way alley beginning at the east-west alley intersection between Lincoln and Washington Streets going north.
      (2)   The Marshal is directed to secure appropriate signs, conforming to state standards as to size, designating said alley as “one-way” and prohibiting entry from Washington Street and erect the same pursuant to state standards.
   (D)   (1)   For each violation of division (B) above, the town shall be entitled to a judgment of up to $50 together with court costs, and if a defendant fails to satisfy a judgment entered against him or her for a violation, the Clerk of the Court shall certify the unpaid judgment to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
      (2)   For each violation of division (C) above, the town shall be entitled to a judgment of up to $25 together with court costs, and if a defendant fails to satisfy a judgment entered against him or her for a violation, the Clerk of the Court shall certify the unpaid judgment to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
(Ord. 1984-5, passed 8-27-1984; Ord. 1990-6, passed 7-2-1990; Ord. 2003-7, passed 8-8-2003)