(a) General. The arrangement of streets shall generally conform to the Thoroughfare Plan for the Village. For streets not indicated on the Thoroughfare Plan, the arrangement shall provide for appropriate extensions of existing streets.
(b) Classification, Street Widths and Street Grades. The arrangement and classification of all streets in newly developed areas shall conform to the Thoroughfare Plan. The Planning and Zoning Board shall make the final determination as to the classification of any new street, based on the potential development of the site, and its potential traffic volume, expressed in ADT (Average Daily Traffic), the character of the surrounding area, and the Thoroughfare Plan. Rights-of-way, pavement widths and street grades shall be as specified in APPENDIX A, which is hereby made a part of the Planning and Zoning Code.
(c) Alignment.
(1) The street pattern shall make provision for the continuance of streets into adjoining areas and for the connection to existing rights-of-way in adjacent areas.
(2) If a subdivision adjoins or contains an existing or proposed arterial or major collector street, direct access points to such street shall be minimized. The Planning and Zoning Board may require marginal access streets or reverse frontage with a planting strip of a minimum width of twenty (20) feet on the rear of those lots abutting the street, and no vehicular access across the strip.
(3) If a subdivision adjoins an existing or proposed arterial or major collector street, the Planning and Zoning Board may require the construction of separate turn lanes on such streets into the proposed subdivision.
(4) Local streets shall be laid out so as to discourage use by through traffic.
(5) Streets shall intersect one another at ninety (90) degrees, or as near to ninety (90) degrees as possible, but in no case less than seventy-five (75) degrees. The intersecting street must remain within these degree parameters for a distance of not less than one-hundred feet (100') from the intersection.
(6) Street jogs shall be discouraged. Where such jogs are unavoidable, in no case shall the centerlines be offset by less than 125 feet.
(7) The maximum length of a cul-de-sac shall be 600 feet, measured from the centerline of the intersecting street to the middle of the turn around.
(8) Half width streets shall be prohibited.
(d) Dedication. The necessary rights-of-way for widening or extension of all thoroughfares, as delineated in the Thoroughfare Plan, shall be dedicated to public use. When a subdivision fronts on an existing Village street, or County or township road, dedication shall be made to the proper authority so as to meet the adopted Village requirements.
(e) Blocks. Blocks shall not exceed 1,200 feet in length except where specific topographic conditions require a greater length.
(f) Street Names. The names of new streets shall not duplicate names of existing dedicated streets except that new streets which are extensions of existing streets shall bear the names of such existing streets. All new roadways shall be named according to the following manner:
North/South | Place | Avenue |
East/West | Court | Street |
Diagonal | Way | Road |
Curving (over 1,000 ft.) | Drive | Drive |
Curving (under 1,000 ft.) | Way | Circle |
(g) Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks. Curbs, gutters and sidewalks shall be required in all subdivisions, except those where lot width of at least eighty percent (80%) of the lots exceeds eighty (80) feet, unless the Planning and Zoning Board specifically grants a waiver. In no case shall a certificate of occupancy be granted for a building within a new subdivision where sidewalks are required, until such sidewalks on the lot are constructed and approved.
(h) Driveways.
(1) All driveways shall be at least three (3) feet from the side lot line.
(2) No driveway shall be approved providing direct access from a single or two family residential lot to a street designated on the Thoroughfare Plan as an arterial or major collector street, except where no alternative access is available. (Ord. 2004-111. Passed 7-26-04.)