For the purposes of this Chapter, the measurement of sign area shall comply with the following standards:
   (a)   Sign area shall include the face of all the display area of the sign not including bracing, framing and structural supports of the sign, unless such support members are made part of the message or face of the design.
   (b)   Where a sign has two or more display faces, the area of all faces of the sign shall be included in determining the area of the sign, unless two (2) display faces join back to back and parallel to each other and not more than twelve inches (12") apart. For spherical signs, the sphere shall be bisected by an imaginary line through the center of the sphere, and the surface area of the half sphere shall be counted as the sign face. For cubical signs, the area of all display faces shall be included in determining the area of the sign.
   (c)   The area of the letters, numbers or emblems mounted directly on a building wall or wall extension shall be computed by enclosing the entire word or words formed by such letters, numbers or emblems with the smallest single continuous perimeter consisting of rectangular or series of rectangles, and determining the area within such perimeter.
      (Ord. 2004-111. Passed 7-26-04.)