(a)   Churches and places of public worship, provided the seating capacity of the sanctuary is not more than 300 persons.
   (b)   Day-care centers and schools associated with conditionally permitted churches.
   (c)   Bed-and-Breakfast establishments, subject to the following standards:
      (1)   The establishment must be operated by the owner-occupant of the premises.
      (2)   Structures shall maintain the appearance of a single-family residence and be compatible with surrounding residences, in size and scale
      (3)   All parking shall be provided in the rear yard or in specially designated off- site areas.
      (4)   Exterior signage shall be limited to a single nameplate not more than two (2) square feet in size. No signs shall be internally illuminated
      (5)   Accommodations shall be provided for not more than three (3) guests
      (Ord. 2004-111. Passed 7-26-04.)