The following rules and regulations govern the operation and maintenance of Oak Hill Cemetery:
   (a)    "Total kill spray" may be used up to six inches from the base of any gravestone in the cemetery in order to control the grass and the weeds.
   (b)    Winter floral, decorative arrangements and Christmas wreaths shall be allowed from November 1 through April 1 and must be removed by said date.
   (c)   Potted plantings or other floral arrangements may be placed on the grave site immediately following a funeral service for a period of seven (7) days. After the seven (7) day period, the Village may remove and dispose of the plantings. Seasonal plantings may be placed around the gravestones beginning May 1st with the same being allowed to remain through September 30th. After the 30th day of September plantings will be removed pursuant to this rule. Flower beds shall be kept to within twelve (12) inches of the gravestones. Plantings more than two (2) feet in diameter and/or three (3) feet in height will be removed at the discretion of the Cemetery Sexton. No permanent bushes, shrubbery, or any other planting, that when mature, will exceed the diameter and height listed above will be permitted.
   (d)   No gravesite shall be sold to any person outside the immediate family or relative of the owner. If the sale is not to a family member or relative, then the Village or the Association shall purchase the site, at the original purchase price, less any applicable endowment.
   (e)   Flat Marker Section: Glass jars, cans, crockery, statues, urns, boxes, baskets or any other implement used to water, hold or transport flowers shall not be permitted except for the period of May 15 through June 15. Any implement left in place after June 15 shall be removed by the Cemetery Sexton or his designee.
   (f)   The Cemetery Sexton or his designee shall have the right, and it shall be his duty, to remove any trees, shrubs, bushes or any other planting or part thereof that stands on any cemetery lot if it is dangerous, inconvenient or detrimental to other lots, persons or hinders the work of crews in the cemetery.
      (Ord. 2004-106. Passed 5-10-04.)